
In this portal, time is not linear. We are experiencing the past, present and future at the same time. Do you feel it all around you?

This project is a part of the inaugural Climate Justice Design Fellowship Harvard’s Institute of Qualitative Social Science. My project is located in Harlem and explores the experiences of Black Harlem residents through an intersectional lens of climate, abolition and Afrofuturism. This project explores the lived experience of Black people living in Harlem, how they engage with their natural environment and physical space and what visions they have for the future. From these visions, we hope to begin to build out an oral and organizing orientation to build power and take sustained action in climate. My work combines Black Feminist Ecological and Afrofuturist praxis to consider what climate reparation may look like in Harlem and how these praxes can help build the necessary community power to win a climate future grounded in abolition.

Come join me on a journey through Pathways to Earthseed, a labor of love for Black Harlemites.

Pathways to earthseed is imaginary, speculative and rooted in the visions of many. It is a portal that connects you to the past, present and future at the same time.